December 06, 2019

BlockBuster Season 4: The Complete Collection

With 2019 drawing to a close, it's time to pull together our annual roundup post of all the BlockBuster blocks we've shared over the course of the year. This year we tried to focus on filling in the gaps; making sure that we have all our tools featured (don't worry, we've got a Corner Pop 2 block in the making, just you wait!) and using technique sheets that hadn't previously been featured in the series. I think that the mix-n-match design prerogative has worked out well and we've created some interesting, unique blocks for the year.  Now, on to the BlockBusters! 


BlockBuster #36: Turnstile

Nothing like a fresh take on a classic Pinwheel block to get the year started off right! Spinning like a subway turnstile, this block is sure to add some pizazz to your quilting projects.  

Companion Products: Split Rects, Tucker Trimmer ITriangle Pizazz Technique Sheet


BlockBuster #37: Card Shark

Show off your quilting skills and take your Card Trick blocks to a whole new level! Don't you just love the dynamism offered by the Square Squared tool paired with my Stacked Squares technique sheet? 

Companion Products: Square SquaredTucker Trimmer I, Stacked Squares Technique Sheet


BlockBuster #38: Stormy Chain

You know, with that uber-directional four patch unit paired with a diamond rectangle in the Stormy Chain block, I bet you could make an interesting version of a Storm at Sea quilt using this BlockBuster.  

Companion Products: Diamond Rects, Four Patch Square Up


BlockBuster #39: Do The Twist

Did you see all the different iterations that the Running with Scissors quilters made using just the "Do The Twist" Blockbuster!? Those gals are too creative, I never would have conceived of half those designs! 

Companion Products: Rapid Fire Lemoyne StarTucker Trimmer IStarburst Technique Sheet


BlockBuster #40: New Horizon

Nothing like a new BlockBuster to go with your new tool, am I right? New Horizon is the first block in the series to use the Wedge Star tool (but you better believe that it won't be the last).

Companion Products: Wedge Star, Tucker Trimmer IIIEight at Once Technique Sheet


BlockBuster #41: Razor's Edge

Confession time? I think that the Razor's Edge block might be my favorite block in the entire 2019 BlockBuster season. It's just so dynamic - I need to make a pattern using this star for sure!

Companion Products: Corner Pop, V BlockSquare Squared


BlockBuster #42: Federal Square

We do try mix up the difficulty level of the BlockBuster series to make sure that we appeal to all levels of quilters. After the two previous blocks, New Horizon and Razor's Edge, we thought we'd head back to the basics and work with our two most basic and bestselling tools, the Wing Clipper and Tucker Trimmer.

Companion Products: Wing Clipper ITucker Trimmer I


BlockBuster #43: Third Hour

More new tools = exciting new BlockBusters! We didn't want to make the new tool learning process too hard for you all, so we paired this up with some simple Tucker Trimmer HSTs and Hourglass units and ended up with a really unique composition! 

Companion Products: Corner Pop III and Tucker Trimmer I


BlockBuster #44: Holiday Magic

I don't know about the rest of you, but my homemade gift ambitions this time of year always seem to exceed my available time 😩 Fortunately this quick-n-easy BlockBuster is the perfect size for a mini wall quilt or table topper to help make sure that "Santa" doesn't miss any of your loved ones this year. 

Companion Products: Rapid Fire Hunter’s Star Petite or Large, Wing Clipper ISquare Squared


Whistle Stop Tour: Steam Engine Blog Hop

And of course, in addition to our regularly scheduled BlockBuster posting, we also ran another BlockBuster blog hop this year. Coinciding with the release of my Steam Engine signature line of fabric from Island Batik, The Whistle Stop Blog Hop used 12 different BlockBuster blocks, 10 tools, and 7 technique sheets to make the Union Station quilt project. 

You can read all my posts on the Whistle Stop Tour & Union Station Project here


And with that, we bring Season 4 of our BlockBuster Series to a close! Four years, 44 blocks, several quilt layouts, and we've still got more ideas and blocks to share with you all! Season 5 will kick off at the end of January on my Facebook page. Make sure you follow me there or on my Instagram to make sure you never miss a release!

Click here for previous BlockBuster roundup posts.

Now get out there and get quilting!