You can probably tell from our patterns that the Rapid Fire® Lemoyne Star tool is a favorite at Studio 180 Design! Deb has designed many patterns that feature this fantastic block and is not shy in letting you know how much she loves this tool.
We have seven technique sheets that go along with the tool, giving you an array of blocks and designs. The only limit is your imagination!
Did you know that you can even use Lemoyne Star quadrants individually in other blocks? The basic Lemoyne Star block is put together like a four patch, with one quadrant being a square. Let’s take a look at how to trim these down using your Tucker Trimmer®, and how to use these quadrants in your blocks.
You’ll start by working through step 14 in the Rapid Fire® Lemoyne Star tool instructions, where you sew your pairs of star points together, we call a quadrant. We recommend trimming the dog ears off using your Tucker Trimmer®.
You can now trim this to the exact size it needs to be to go into your block. To determine the trim size of the quadrant, take half the finished size of your starting Lemoyne Star block and add half an inch for the seam allowance. For instance, if you used the strip sizes for an 8” finished block, you would trim the quadrant to 4½” using the Tucker Trimmer®.
To trim align the common diagonal with the center seam and the clean up lines along the inside edge of the unit. Trim to achieve a perfectly sized unit to put into any other block or combine it with other squares for a unique look.
This process is also great for trimming down Blazing Lemoyne Star blocks that are larger than 12” finished.
Try applying the different technique sheets to this process! There is no end to what you can do with the two combined. This is a Liberty Lemoyne quadrant.
We have some great examples of this technique in our patterns and some of our free BlockBusters.
Journeys uses both basic Lemoyne Stars and Liberty Lemoyne Stars.
Static Charge uses Banded Lemoyne Stars to achieve the jagged pattern.
Fair Isle uses Blazing Lemoyne Stars in this beautiful exploding effect.
BlockBuster #29 Poinsettia uses Lemoyne Star quadrants and Split Rects® units for a spikey floral block.
BlockBuster #55 Spring Blooms combines flying geese made with the Wing Clipper® and Lemoyne Star quadrants to make a flower style block.
BlockBuster #62 Sleight of Hand is a very unique combination of Lemoyne Star quadrants and Corner Beam® units of different sizes.
Try this technique for yourself and see what amazing effects you can come up with!
When Deb designed our new First Choice rulers this type of unit was what she had in mind. So let's see how you can use your new First Choice rulers to make Geese on the Edge.
What a great season 2024 was for our BlockBuster series! Can you believe that this is Season 9 of our popular free block library? From simple blocks that use some basic units, to intricate blocks that use star tools and new technique sheets, there is something for everyone in Season 9.
We all have favorite things in our sewing spaces that make life a little easier when we’re quilting. They can be notions that are made specifically for quilting, or they can be something else entirely! Those of us who work at Studio 180 Design are no exception. Here are the things in our sewing rooms that we love working with.