If you've listened to me talk for any amount of time, I'm sure you've heard me talk about my "CI's" or Certified Instructors. Usually, I give a brief description of what that is, but today? Today I'm going to give you the whole spiel, because it's time to start accepting applications for my annual Certified Instructor Training!
My Certified Instructor course is not a simple "how to use the tools" class, it's an advanced course designed to help each participant fully understand the workings of the tools and how best to present them. While the uses for the tools and Technique Sheets will be explored, familiarity with our products prior to attending the class is mandatory.
Throughout the six-day session you'll learn how I approach my classes, present the information, evaluate the work, handle the troubleshooting, build confidence in each student, and guide them toward becoming independent, knowledgeable, capable, and successful quilters. I truly believe that if fun is part of the equation, learning will be the end result! This isn’t just a lecture format class, there are discussion sessions and importantly, you’ll practice how to do it too.
So, if you're ready to become a better instructor, a more educated quilt maker, and an empowered facilitator to all who want to learn more about quilting, then join us for our next Certified Instructor Class. We'll laugh a little, grow a little, and learn a lot! You'll be glad you did. And so will your students!
If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact Diane Marvin at MarvinDM180@gmail.com
When Deb designed our new First Choice rulers this type of unit was what she had in mind. So let's see how you can use your new First Choice rulers to make Geese on the Edge.
What a great season 2024 was for our BlockBuster series! Can you believe that this is Season 9 of our popular free block library? From simple blocks that use some basic units, to intricate blocks that use star tools and new technique sheets, there is something for everyone in Season 9.