December 02, 2020

Who's ready for three days of quilt show, right from the comfort of your own home? 🙋🏼‍♀️

I’ve missed seeing all of you in person this year, so we’ve put together a stay-at-home quilt show for you to end the year right! Running from today through December 5th, our Fall Fiesta mini-show will feature a brand new video each day (available on both my Youtube Channel and on my Facebook page), showcasing some of my favorite patterns that go along with the theme of the day. And what sort of show would it be without a show special? That’s right, for the duration of the show, we’re offering 10% off your order of $75 or more! Just use the code Fiesta2020 at checkout to receive the discount for the duration of the show 💜

 So, to review, here's the schedule of events for the Fall Fiesta stay-at-home show:

    • December 3rd: Foundational Fundamentals - In our video for the first day of our Fall Fiesta, we'll be looking at what I consider to be our "fundamental" tools; tools that make the basic building blocks of quilting. 
    • December 4th: Rapid Fire Favorites - For day two's video, we'll be focusing in on my line of "Rapid Fire" tools. These are tools that make more complex star based blocks that will make you look like a quilting superstar!
    • December 5th: Accent with a Sparkle - Our final video for our Fall Fiesta will focus on the tools in our catalog that I love to use to add that little extra sparkle to a block or quilt project. 
    • December 5th: Live Q&A with Deb Tucker - And to cap off the event, I’ll be doing a Facebook Livestream! You can join me 12:30-1:30 EST on Facebook to ask me whatever quilting questions come to mind. Oh, and there may be a giveaway (or three!) for those of your who join me for the live broadcast 😉 You can sign up for the stream (for free!) on the event page here.


Fall Fiesta Live Q&A Session

Stop by the livestream and ask all your quilting questions!

I hope to this helps brighten up the tail end of what has been a rough year for a lot of us. Stay safe, and happy holidays to you all 💜

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