February 23, 2018

So, if you've listened to me talk for any amount of time, I'm sure you've heard me talk about my "CI's" or Certified Instructors. Usually I give a brief description of what that is, but today? Today I'm gonna give you the whole spiel, because it's time to start accepting applications for my annual Instructor Certification Training! 



My Instructor Certification course is not a simple "how to use the tools" class, it's an advanced course designed to help each participant fully understand the workings of the tools and how best to present them in workshop situations. While the original uses for the tools will be explored (as well as their extended uses, i.e., our Technique Sheets), familiarity with our products before attending the class is mandatory. 

Throughout the six-day session you'll learn how I approach my classes, present the information, evaluate the work, handle the troubleshooting, build confidence in each student, and guide them toward becoming independent, knowledgeable, capable, and successful quilters. I truly believe that if fun is part of the equation, learning will be the end result!

So if you're ready to become a better instructor, a more educated quilt maker, and an empowered facilitator to all who desire to learn more about quilting, then join us for our next Instructor Certification Class. We'll laugh a little, grow a little, and learn a lot! You'll be glad you did. And so will your students!


Requirements for Attendance

  • You should be a confident quilter and very familiar with rotary cutting, sewing, and pressing, as well as all of Deb’s tools and the basics of how they work. The class will cover all eight of the fundamental tools and both of the Rapid Fire tools.

  • You should have at least some experience teaching quilting to get maximum benefit from this course. If you haven’t taught quilting, but have taught other crafts courses, that would be OK too. The important thing is that you have dealt with students and the kinds of issues they have in this kind of course.


  • You will be asked to make a set of blocks for admission into class that will involve each of the tools, so this is not the class for a quilter interested in learning the basics of the tools. 


  • You should plan on being in training sessions from 8 am to 5 pm for all 6 days of the course. Early morning or late evening hours will be available in the classroom for personal sewing time or for continued work on material presented during the course.


  • There will be 2-3 full days of classroom sewing, so you will want to have with you all the required, listed supplies (list will be provided later). We can make arrangements for a limited number of sewing machines to be available if you are flying, but please check with us at least 2 weeks prior to program date. 


  • You should be prepared for an fun, educational, informative and intense six days that will increase your confidence and qualify you to instruct your own classes using any of Deb's tools and techniques. You will be the expert and have the certification to prove it!


A Few Final Notes….

Tuition for the class is $990. Your tuition covers the class fee, class notebook and other goodies, lunches, and a celebratory banquet. There is a block of rooms at the conference hotel for $119 a night, single or double occupancy. We can match up students interested in sharing a room.

This year's Certification Class will take place July 23 - 28, 2018, in Arlington, TX.  

You can download the application here, which will give you all the information you need to start your application process today! While we don't have an explicit due date for the applications, you will want to get all parts of your application (including your block submissions and letters of recommendation) to us sooner rather than later. We will start evaluating applications as they are completed and once we fill the class, you'll be out of luck until the next class in 2019.

Remember, don't panic! You, just like everyone else who's applying, are going to need time to pull together everything you need for a quality application and to sew the best blocks you can. But as my father used to say, "take your time, but hurry up" 


If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact Sue Tucker at Tuckersm180@gmail.com.

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